Kontrollerid – programmeeritav loogika (PLC)

Programmeeritavad loogikakontrollerid (PLC) on usaldusväärsed ja paindlikud komponendid, mis tagavad teie elektroonika automatiseerimise ja juhtimise. Meie kollektsioon pakub kvaliteetseid PLC-kontrollereid, mis on loodud pakkuma täpset ja tõhusat protsessijuhtimist. Need võimaldavad süsteemi jõudluse optimeerimiseks programmeerida ja jälgida erinevaid toiminguid. Pakume erinevaid mudeleid ja funktsioone, mis vastavad teie vajadustele. Usaldage meie tooteid usaldusväärse ja hõlpsasti kasutatava automatiseerimislahenduse saamiseks. Uuendage oma projekte meie kontrolleritega juba täna ja nautige oma elektroonika juhtimise tõhusust ja lihtsust:Professionaalsed elektroonikakomponentide tarnijad | ChipIc
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706 tooted
Kontrollerid – programmeeritav loogika (PLC) Products
3G2NL-CPU02 3G2NL-CPU02 Omron Automation and Safety 20,763 delivery MOD CTLR LINK UNIT VAATA
3G2NL-DRM21 3G2NL-DRM21 Omron Automation and Safety 57,247 delivery MOD CTLR LINK UNIT VAATA
C200HE-CPU11 C200HE-CPU11 Omron Automation and Safety 56,545 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HE-CPU11-Z C200HE-CPU11-Z Omron Automation and Safety 50,386 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HE-CPU32 C200HE-CPU32 Omron Automation and Safety 21,694 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HE-CPU32-Z C200HE-CPU32-Z Omron Automation and Safety 43,311 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HE-CPU42 C200HE-CPU42 Omron Automation and Safety 40,872 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HE-CPU42-Z C200HE-CPU42-Z Omron Automation and Safety 60,429 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU33 C200HG-CPU33 Omron Automation and Safety 18,928 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU33-Z C200HG-CPU33-Z Omron Automation and Safety 56,152 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU33-ZE C200HG-CPU33-ZE Omron Automation and Safety 59,978 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU43 C200HG-CPU43 Omron Automation and Safety 24,230 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU43-Z C200HG-CPU43-Z Omron Automation and Safety 20,418 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU53 C200HG-CPU53 Omron Automation and Safety 18,800 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU53-Z C200HG-CPU53-Z Omron Automation and Safety 25,544 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU53-ZE C200HG-CPU53-ZE Omron Automation and Safety 50,521 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU63 C200HG-CPU63 Omron Automation and Safety 15,374 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HG-CPU63-Z C200HG-CPU63-Z Omron Automation and Safety 57,908 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HX-CPU34 C200HX-CPU34 Omron Automation and Safety 43,017 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA
C200HX-CPU34-Z C200HX-CPU34-Z Omron Automation and Safety 23,958 delivery CONTROL LOG 100-120/200-240/24V VAATA