Masinnägemine – objektiiv

Masinnägemisobjektiivid on oluline lahendus selgete ja üksikasjalike kujutiste jäädvustamiseks masinnägemissüsteemides. Meie kollektsioon pakub laia valikut kvaliteetseid objektiive, mis on loodud jõudlust ja töökindlust silmas pidades. Need tagavad pildi kõrge teravuse, täpse fookuse ja minimaalse moonutuse. Pakume erinevaid tüüpe ja fookuskaugusi vastavalt teie vajadustele. Usaldage meie tooteid, et saada oma nägemissüsteemist suurepärane pildikvaliteet ja optimaalsed tulemused. Täiendage oma projekte meie objektiividega juba täna ning nautige selgust ja detaile igas jäädvustavas hetkes:Professionaalsed elektroonikakomponentide tarnijad | ChipIc
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Masinnägemine – objektiiv Products
3Z4S-LE VS-3514H1 3Z4S-LE VS-3514H1 Omron Automation and Safety 16,156 delivery HI-RES LENS 35MM 4M PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-5018H1 3Z4S-LE VS-5018H1 Omron Automation and Safety 19,175 delivery HI-RES LENS 50MM 4M PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N 3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N Omron Automation and Safety 57,674 delivery SHOCK RESIST 25MM FNO-2 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N-FNO56 3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N-FNO56 Omron Automation and Safety 43,090 delivery SHOCK RESIST 25MM FNO-5.6 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N-FNO80 3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N-FNO80 Omron Automation and Safety 59,648 delivery SHOCK RESIST 25MM FNO-8 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
F500-LE16 F500-LE16 Omron Automation and Safety 57,525 delivery F500 16MM LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
F500-LE25 F500-LE25 Omron Automation and Safety 44,682 delivery F500 25MM LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
F500-LE50 F500-LE50 Omron Automation and Safety 36,832 delivery F500 50MM LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC15 3Z4S-LE VS-MC15 Omron Automation and Safety 45,049 delivery SHOCK RESIST 15MM FNO-2 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC15-FNO56 3Z4S-LE VS-MC15-FNO56 Omron Automation and Safety 20,608 delivery SHOCK RESIST 15MM FNO-5.6 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC15-FNO80 3Z4S-LE VS-MC15-FNO80 Omron Automation and Safety 47,094 delivery SHOCK RESIST 15MM FNO-8 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC35 3Z4S-LE VS-MC35 Omron Automation and Safety 20,149 delivery SHOCK RESIST 35MM FNO-2 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC35-FNO56 3Z4S-LE VS-MC35-FNO56 Omron Automation and Safety 47,608 delivery SHOCK RESIST 35MM FNO-5.6 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC35-FNO80 3Z4S-LE VS-MC35-FNO80 Omron Automation and Safety 20,390 delivery SHOCK RESIST 35MM FNO-8 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC20 3Z4S-LE VS-MC20 Omron Automation and Safety 41,730 delivery SHOCK RESIST 20MM FNO-2 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC20-FNO56 3Z4S-LE VS-MC20-FNO56 Omron Automation and Safety 45,205 delivery SHOCK RESIST 20MM FNO-5.6 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC20-FNO80 3Z4S-LE VS-MC20-FNO80 Omron Automation and Safety 14,125 delivery SHOCK RESIST 20MM FNO-8 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC30 3Z4S-LE VS-MC30 Omron Automation and Safety 38,933 delivery SHOCK RESIST 30MM FNO-2 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC30-FNO56 3Z4S-LE VS-MC30-FNO56 Omron Automation and Safety 40,281 delivery SHOCK RESIST 30MM FNO-5.6 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA
3Z4S-LE VS-MC30-FNO80 3Z4S-LE VS-MC30-FNO80 Omron Automation and Safety 13,801 delivery SHOCK RESIST 30MM FNO-8 LENS PDF RFQ VAATA