Kaitsereleed ja -süsteemid

Kaitsereleed ja -süsteemid on usaldusväärsed komponendid, mis tagavad elektrisüsteemide ohutuse ja kaitse. Meie kollektsioon pakub kvaliteetseid kaitsereleed ja integreeritud süsteeme, mis on loodud töökindlust ja tõhusust silmas pidades. Nad jälgivad, tuvastavad ja reageerivad anomaaliatele elektrivõrkudes, vältides ülekoormusi, lühiseid ja muid potentsiaalselt ohtlikke olukordi. Pakume erinevaid automaatse väljalülitamise, häire- ja juhtimisfunktsioonidega mudeleid. Usaldage meie tooteid, et teie elektrisüsteem oleks ohutu ja stabiilne. Täiendage oma projekte meie kaitsereleede ja -süsteemidega juba täna ning nautige oma elektriinfrastruktuuris usaldusväärset kaitset ja meelerahu:Professionaalsed elektroonikakomponentide tarnijad | ChipIc
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2092 tooted
Kaitsereleed ja -süsteemid Products
WUVT1-575 WUVT1-575 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 14,485 delivery WUVT1-575=RELAY, UNDERVOLTAGE VAATA
WUVT1-208 WUVT1-208 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 47,433 delivery WUVT1-208=WILMAR UNDERVOLTAGE VAATA
WUVT1-230 WUVT1-230 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 52,949 delivery WUVT1-230=WILMAR UNDERVOLTAGE VAATA
WUVT1-380 WUVT1-380 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 58,446 delivery WUVT1-380=WILMAR UNDERVOLTAGE VAATA
WOVT3-575 WOVT3-575 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 57,581 delivery WOVT3-575=WILMAR OVERVOLTAGE 5 VAATA
6-1618108-6 6-1618108-6 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 24,642 delivery WOVT3-480-P=WILMAR OVERVOLTAGE VAATA
9-1618103-1 9-1618103-1 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 35,023 delivery WCT1-26DC-5=WILMAR OVERCURRENT VAATA
9-1618103-2 9-1618103-2 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 57,561 delivery WCT1-26DC-5-A=WILMAR OVERCURRE VAATA
WUVT1-240 WUVT1-240 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 30,020 delivery WUVT1-240=WILMAR UNDERVOLTAGE VAATA
8-1618107-1 8-1618107-1 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 53,827 delivery WOUVT-3-200AC=WILMAR OVER/UNDE PDF RFQ VAATA
8-1618107-6 8-1618107-6 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 43,534 delivery WOUVT-3-240AC=WILMAR OVER/UNDE PDF RFQ VAATA
8-1618107-9 8-1618107-9 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 16,818 delivery WOUVT-3-380AC=WILMAR OVER/UNDE PDF RFQ VAATA
AF0100-10-CC AF0100-10-CC Littelfuse Inc. 63,656 delivery ARC-FLASH RELAY 24V W/CONFORMAL PDF RFQ VAATA
7-1618107-1 7-1618107-1 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 42,133 delivery WOUVT-1-240AC=WILMAR OVER/UNDE PDF RFQ VAATA
PGR-4700-120 PGR-4700-120 Littelfuse Inc. 15,892 delivery SENS GRND FAULT RELAY 120V SUP PDF RFQ VAATA
WOVT1-208 WOVT1-208 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 42,462 delivery WOVT1-208=WILMAR OVERVOLTAGE 2 VAATA
WOVT1-240 WOVT1-240 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 44,784 delivery WOVT1-240=WILMAR OVERVOLTAGE R VAATA
WOVT1-380 WOVT1-380 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 45,062 delivery WOVT1-380=WILMAR OVERVOLTAGE VAATA
WOVT3-240 WOVT3-240 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 26,388 delivery WOVT3-240=WILMAR OVERVOLTAGE 3 VAATA
3-1618393-5 3-1618393-5 TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 25,517 delivery WUVT1-208-P=RELAY, UNDERVOLTAGE VAATA