Trimmeri potentsiomeetrid

Trimmeri potentsiomeetrid on kompaktsed ja mitmekülgsed komponendid, mis võimaldavad elektroonikaahelaid ja seadmeid täpselt häälestada. Meie kollektsioon pakub erinevaid trimmeri potentsiomeetreid, mis tagavad suure täpsuse ja kasutuslihtsuse. Alates lauaarvutitest kuni meditsiiniseadmeteni – meie komponendid on loodud rahuldama kõige nõudlikumaid kasutajaid. Sisenege täppishäälestuse maailma meie kvaliteetsete toodetega, milles on ühendatud töökindlus ja kompaktsus. Uuendage oma elektroonikat meie trimmeri potentsiomeetritega, et saavutada oma seadme täpne ja stabiilne jõudlus:Professionaalsed elektroonikakomponentide tarnijad | ChipIc
Trimmeri potentsiomeetrid Products
Y00562K00000K0L Y00562K00000K0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 60,439 delivery TRIMMER 2K OHM 0.75W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y50515K00000J0L Y50515K00000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 50,221 delivery TRIMMER 5K OHM 0.5W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y0053500R000J0L Y0053500R000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 49,935 delivery TRIMMER 500 OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y5053200R000J0L Y5053200R000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 53,183 delivery TRIMMER 200 OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y006910K0000J0L Y006910K0000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 45,913 delivery TRIMMER 10K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y00561K00000K0L Y00561K00000K0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 49,251 delivery TRIMMER 1K OHM 0.75W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y0056100R000K0L Y0056100R000K0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 53,259 delivery TRIMMER 100 OHM 0.75W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y005310K0000J0L Y005310K0000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 24,153 delivery TRIMMER 10K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y00692K00000J0L Y00692K00000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 13,747 delivery TRIMMER 2K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y0069500R000J0L Y0069500R000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 46,069 delivery TRIMMER 500 OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y4053500R000J0L Y4053500R000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 29,461 delivery TRIMMER 500 OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y40535K00000J0L Y40535K00000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 35,231 delivery TRIMMER 5K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y0056500R000K0L Y0056500R000K0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 40,107 delivery TRIMMER 500 OHM 0.75W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y40532K00000J0L Y40532K00000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 27,129 delivery TRIMMER 2K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y405310K0000J0L Y405310K0000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 22,054 delivery TRIMMER 10K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y40531K00000J0L Y40531K00000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 15,805 delivery TRIMMER 1K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y005620K0000K0L Y005620K0000K0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 47,233 delivery TRIMMER 20K OHM 0.75W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y00535K00000J0L Y00535K00000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 23,899 delivery TRIMMER 5K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y505310K0000J0L Y505310K0000J0L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 13,314 delivery TRIMMER 10K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA
Y00691K00000J9L Y00691K00000J9L Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group) 54,927 delivery TRIMMER 1K OHM 0.25W PC PIN PDF RFQ VAATA